
The Oldest African Superfood

Fonio Paddy seed is the smallest seed in the millet family.

Grown in many countries in West Africa.

The seed is a staple & nutritious food for humans. It’s cooked in a variety of ways with the health benefits making it a very important food, not only in Africa but it is now a go to food for the health conscious in other parts of the world.

Fonio Paddy seed has undergone scientific research and testing over a three-year period and has been found to prevent, cure and eradicate coccidiosis in birds and other animals! it is extremely beneficial to cage & aviary birds as it has also been found to help treat two other protozoal illnesses, trichomoniasis (sexual organ problems) which can also infect humans and Giardiasis (diarrhoea & loose droppings). It can help with respiratory problems when the birds are in the moult and when rearing chicks.

Coccidiosis is not a major problem in the cage and aviary bird population in the UK, but it does exist and anything that can help with keeping this illness at bay is a good thing.

Bird keepers have used the Fonio Paddy seed for generations with many of the top breeders/keepers adding Fonio Paddy to the bird’s weekly diet.

For further info, WhatsApp me on 07522 606424